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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Qjsmh& h U m m h w X, ? K l w * i t Mr. M». Reinhardt * Leg Angeles: Ceo ~ hr. A. S. Stoddard Hr* T* It $ Soekes Mr* r ? 0, I'ericln# Mr* It. A# Blonde -* nr. Ss&rir.t Aden# . ^5 |i|ll§ 5? H xA/A 511 Las Vegas » Lf# Angeles) this has refer#**## to the following feature# m t forth. on pap# S of yowr 1 otter of ioreober |JL ibbf# fils l-*?13b, relatlm to date to b@ sengidgyed In eoaneotion with filing application. for ineraaee in water rates «t La# Mesas. fi#i'is»l (X) rjraperty acquired through donation, the east of which la subject to couplets or partial refund* if I Property, the cost of which has boon smart!gcd-throjgh charge* to operating erpenses* Property falling within group (l) it owned and used by the La# Vegsg Land and Motor Company in supplying water genic e to the public, a M as such Is properly in*, clttdiblc in tbs rat# bass regardless of how cost# ware financed. dtt the other hand, it is equally clear that if tho water i m l w faaiH.ti#s at Las Megan *r# sold, gone agreement will h«we to bo reached wi th tbs mtreh&sor as to how the liability to each doner if. to ba liquidated. the tenoral balance shsst statsasat. as of May 31, lbbo, show# a lability to tits donors of $152*069*$2* Fropsrty fmilling within gx»oup (2) is airs owned ? and used by the Lae Mega# Land and Motor- woapaay in ptpplylng » l » «enriee to the public and likewise is properly inal»~ dibit in the rat# bass.- Aaortlsatiwi charge# for such property haTO no boaring whatever on the amount sotunwors should pay as a fair return on ttas water facilities. However, the impact of sweh charge© to ©pirating expense# w the principal eawe# of operating dofieits of 1^.158.77 for the year Ibbl, §S,03f.X3 for the year ldhfe, ana. 970,378.06 for the year 19*5, all of w M e h “#ere reported annually to the Nubile Service Oowdss&oai of !‘8mfe, ft*### dsflolts were h o m e by the Las ^#g&§ Land and Muter Oeapsny and net by th« water cencwaert of Las togas.