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s - V i t 1 E xtra work perform ed by C has. TUPoulson in con stru ctin g the 16" Y i t . ^rip e Water Line,and the exten sion ,at Las Yegas Nevada / E xtra concrete p la c e d around p ip e as p e r in s t r u c t io n s ^ in excess of the se o tio n ipon which the con tract p r ic e was b a s e d ),b e in g .9775 g q *.ft. fo r a len gth of 6000 f t , o r 217 c u .y d s. O o st« g ra v e l hauling — J .80 p e r yd. mixing a n d p la o in g ------- —1*50 " " hauling cem en t---------------- .30 " " t o t a l “ 1275*5 " " 1Cyfo , .25 *$2778' " " 217 c u yds @ $2 *75 -------------------------------------------------- $596.75 ^ m Extra exoavation fo r th is extra o o n e rete,1.23 s q ,.ft . fo r , 6000 f t or 273. cu.yds When the trench was f i r s t excavated i t was p r a c t ic a lly dry,but the removal o f t he extra 5" in t he bottom.seamed.,. t ° l e t the water en ter, and fo r the e n tire 6000 f t p r a c t ic a lly ,t h e extra excavation was a l l wet w o rk ,req u irin g dams and oonstant b a ilin g ,a n d the m a terial bein g c la y ,th e sh bvelers had to o a rry s tic k s to d e a n the shovel a ft e r every s h o v e lfu ll. This work a c tu a lly cost me over $200. and the 70^ p e r yard that- I am asking is below c o s t . 273 ou yds @ .70 ----------?-----------------------— ----------------- $191.00 / C J \ X / Concrete anchors in p ip e lin e (1 0 ) - 12.75 cu f t each v — . , 127.50 cu f t in a l l , 5 6 u y d s® '$5*50 (o on tract p r ic e ) 27.50 * / Concrete intake and sp illw a y / , intake «?*-?----- 108.25 o u . f t . S p i l l w a y -------- i b l * " 5.7 c u yds @ $5.50 p e r y d ----- Ix o a v a tin g fo r Intake and s p illw a y 19 ou yds @ .30 31.35 5.70 V O U C H B R ^ O /Vo..