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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    C . U . W O O D , P R E S ID E N T . VVICE PRESIDENT. u j > A . H . J O N G E N E E L , VICE PRESID ENT. PAID UP CAPITAL $ 1,000,000 .op H . B . W O R D E N , VICE PRESID ENT. FtF»g; APJ© TAN: " R E D W O O D F O R D U R A B I L I T Y ” “ R E M C O F O R M E C H A N I C A L P E R F E C T I O N " S«pod»utt*8JscKi( 318 East Third Street, Los Angeles, C a li f ., November 10,1924. Union P a c ific Railroad, P. E. B ld g., 610 So. Main S t., Los Angeles, C a lif. Complying with your request, we take pleasure in quoting you the follow ing: road station , Las Vegas, transporting same to and d istribu tin g along trench; furnishing trench, b a c k -fill and water fo r te at. Terms as per Standard form of contract. Thanking you fo r the inquiry and trusting to be of service 1800 feet - 24" REMCO Redwood continuous stave pips, 25 pound pressure, delivered f .o .b . cars, Las Vegas, Nevada, and in sta lle d in your trench. Price per foot, $3.30 ^ 100' - 20" ditto. i I " 2.80 Above contemplates your receiving the m aterials at r a i l - to you, we are Yours very tru ly REDWOOD MANUFACTURERS COMPANY y T ^ JOC:R