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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Sfi / i STATE OF NEVAD A ROBT. F. COLE l a b o r C o m m i s s io n e r N o -__ 2 0 . 9 7 (n Re p l y Re f e r t o F i l e I Las Vegas -uand & Wate I ? j ; ’ , Las Vegas, Nevada 1919 Dear Sir:— Statistics relative to wages, hours of labor, and conditions of employment, of wage-earners in the State of Nevada, are collected in conformity with the requirements of Chapter 203, Statutes of 1915. Reports are required^Prom all individuals, partnerships, corporations and others who employed labor during any part of the year 1919, and such reports are to be made on the standard forms furnished by the office of Labor Commissioner. The law makes it obligatory upon all employers of labor to furnish data. For your ready reference, section 11 of the chapter referred to above is quoted herewith, as follows: "Said labor commissioner shall prepare forms and blanks for the purpose of gathering the information and statistics required by this act, and may require any person, firm, or corporation to give the informa­tion and statistical detail designated in such forms, and any person, firm, or corporation who shall refuse to furnish such detail and statistics in the form required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof may be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars." The pay-roll exposure should be made for the month of Oct. 1919, except in cases where there was no operation during that month due to shut-down, strikes, or other cessation of employment. If data for October are not available for any of the aforesaid reasons, then select a month prior thereto which will be fairly representative of your business and make a notation of the month used. This schedule and the accompanying supplement should be filled out and returned to this office on or before Nov. 20th, 1919. All answers will be held absolutely confidential RFC/EB Yours very truly, Enclosures — Schedules (2). Return envelope Labor Commissioner.