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    8. That neither this property, nor any part thereof, shall be used, occupied, leased, or rented to any person or persons who are themselves, or whose spouse, or any member of their immediate family, are of the Indian or Negro race, or of any race other than white; except that this covenant shall not be construed to prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race employed by an owner or tenant occupying the property. The restrictions con­tained in this sub-paragraph 8 shall be perpetually appurtenant to said land,. 9. That no building shall be erected on any lot in any such subdivision until the design and location thereof shall be approved in writing by the owner dedicating such subdivision, or such owner’s designated agent, or, after eighty percent of the lots in such subdivision have been sold, by a committee elected by a majority of the owners of the lots in such sub­division. Should no committee be formed then the owner dedicating such subdivision shall con­tinue to act. However, in the event that such committee or such owner dedicating such sub­division, fail to approve or disapprove such design or location within fifteen days from tie _ time it is submitted then such approval will not be required provided the design e d the" tion on the lot conform and are in general harmony with the existing structures in the subdivfc lCKNo building nor any portion of any building, nor any driveway, nor any other;htructure> shall be plaeed,or maintained between a line running parallel to the easterly boundary, of Main Street/a (distance of 160 feet easterly therefrom, and a line running parallel to the .-'i easterly boundary of Main Street and a distance of 17Q feet easterly therefrom. Said 10 foot strip of ground shall be used exclusively for the planting of trees and shrubs. Ingress and egrehs over said 10 foot strip of ground (except in the case of dedicated streets) is pro-hibited except for the purposes of installation;and maintenance of plant material. 11. ; It is I expressly understood and agreed that each such .subdivision .will be platted; and laid out as a choice and attractive resident district, and that these covenants and restric­tions are made for the benefit of the lots therein described and are to run with the land shall inure t