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I agree.\ ,-2i~ of the office force, including the housekeeper and rooming house attendants. The authorization to increase the wages of water service repairmen and laborers gives me some trouble. On March 9, 1950, Mr* Stoddard approved recommendation for a u th ority to change c la s s if ic a t io n and rates of pay of the LVL&WCo. labor force at Las Vegas contained in Mr. Reinhardt*s le t te r to him of February 24, 1950, a copy of which I enclose. The increases placed in effect fo r th is class of labor of March 1, 1950 were separate and apart from the general in creases in wages which have been granted from time to time to a l l of the employees of the Water Department at the time simila r increases were granted to ra ilro a d employees. I t seems to me that the increases of March 1, 1950 re s u lt from promotions and re c la s s if ic a tio n s w ith in the meaning of subparagraph (d) of Section 2 of Regulation No. 6 but before advising Mr. Reinhardt to th is e f fe c t, I would lik e to know i f you agree. I f the March 1st increases are so re garded, a l l of the outside labor force referred to in Mr. Reinhardt*s le t te r of A p r il 10, 1951 w i l l be e n t it le d to 12ift an hour increase. In my opinion, any increases granted should be made effective in the p a y ro ll period including A p r i l 12, 1951. E . 1 . Bennett E n d s . ECR: LW