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I agree.COPY % (Note: Included in 1946 report) (Note: No change in tota l footage Rearranged lin es between w ells) (Note; Fire lin e in Shop Yard) (Renewed existing lin e ) Mr. Mack's f i l e -20-33^-1 ' Vol. 4 LCC Your memo Jan 26th attached. We have had only 3 work orders covering changes in water lin es at. Las Vegas, Nev during year 1947 as follow s: 3180-1 “ Constructed 10,465.1 Ft 24“ C .I. pipe water lin e from new reservoir to and along Charleston Boulevard to Main Street. Retired 2228 constructed 2228 Ft of existin g pipe lin e and re- Ft pipe lin e in new loca tion using 453*4 Ft 24" Transite pipe 166.2 Ft 18“ * « 53*4 Ft 16“ C. I . Pipe 219.3 Ft 14N Transite 944.4 Ft 12“ Transite 37*4 Ft 12" W. I. Pipe 354.0 Ft 12“ (SH) C .I. Pipe 2226 Ft Constructed additional 3.8 f t 24" C.ft. and 6 5 .3 i t 24“ Transite Pipe connection to reservoir. Constructed 117-7 Ft 24" C .I. Pipe and 335.1 f t 24“ Transits pipe water lin e by-pass around reservoir. WO-3367 In stalled 1419.3 f t and 1188.3 f t 8" C .I. pipe water lin e . Replaced 3250 f t 'o f water lin e with 3250 f t larger pipe lin e con sisitin g of 3150 f t 5" * , 65 f t 8“ __ 2 i « 3» ? 1 3250 ft WO-3629 Retired 41.0 f t 5" W.I. Pipe and 3 1 .0 f t 6 “ W. I.. Pipe water lin e at Stock Yard.