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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    .7a te r Sales as He ported on Form 7 j Las Vegas Ajjeil 8th, 1936* f 23-4 \ Mr. F* H» Knickerbocker, General Manager, Los Angeles, California. Lear Sir: Keplying to your inquiry April 6th, file 9312, 3-W regarding.Auditor’s Form 7 dated April 1, 1936: 2he decrease of $33.15 show under Item 27, which covers "Commercial Sales” Is due to vacancy allow­ances, principally in auto tourist camps, caused by a leaser number of tourists stopping in such establishments enroute to see Boulder Bara, now that construction work on the project has been practically completed. /share some of the units are not occupied during the month, and no water is used, we make a suitable allowance on the bill* is practically negligible, such instances occurring only i where there is destruction of the house by fire, death of the owner or eirau'stances of that nature. Our losses from non-payment of bills by users Yours very truly. ftEfSS K. '3Ba9kW, Vice President.