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upr000050 205


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    g i Ysgas — June 22f 1935. I tr § h 911 J - Omaha *B»9S» Art cle in DlFSOF correct except proposal on ballot referred only to OTJAM system* A* recent BOFJBJP OTQID entire board running on platform vigorously advocating DOFJOH both BIK6A7 sad FUkQOX and since their installation June 1st still active In same cause* We have been unable prevail on BOKJtS to DUELS AL BOFQpM as they did last year to assist in protecting against unnecessary waste of FWKQpX during summer $tonths. As advised board has applied to BABFUW BABHSM BABBAD for SSObUO* DX1PAH for DOF JOB FUKQQX system but we were 8ABJ0V7 BIJTJH this for time being thru BASFtJW BABHEM. BABBAD DOWAQ LIBBOK. KAGTFS and XfS$EB advised of political situation prior to and since recent DOFSUB BU2QI0 but efforts made BUIBtsr DUXBUB these BXSSOT*, B-22 "falter E. Bracken' 9am