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I agree.II M _ /V ' * '* • % C v % /> f c i ^ Los A n geles, A p r il f| 1950 20-334-1 Mr. W. 0 . % ^ ^ $ CO: Mr. Wm. Reinhardt - LA* Mr. F, 0. P a u lse n - SL Mr. S. R. M i l l e r - Omaha Mr. A. M. Folger-LV With re feren ce to your l e t t e r Mareh 26,1950 f i l e LA-20-6 r e la t i v e production and consumption o f w ater at Las Vegas: I t was not our In ten tion to In d ic a te we had correspondence from the State Engineer in connection w ith m etering the w e lls and sp rin gs at Las Vegas. However, perm its issued hy the State f o r qu asi municipa l use o f w ater in cludes the p ro v isio n that w e lls must be equipped w ith meters and in view o f study bein g made at th at time a t Las Vegas in connection with wastage o f w ater, we ant ie ip a t eel that we might be c a l l ed upon to meter springs and w e lls . \ W . W.. J. v APR H I' >95(j I