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    #2 Mr. Spencer L. Butterfield 6-17-53 will be added to the District's basic purchase price,* under Section 10(a), unrefunded amounts subject to the refund on account of the extension will be deducted from the basic p u r ­chase price. Thus, in all probability, insofar as the District is concerned, the addition and deduction will be about the same and the item will be substantially “washed out,** The main effect of the Commission's order, insofar as the District is concerned, is to be assured tnat the Charleston Heights extension will be constructed so thatxiV; may become an efficient and integral part of the p r o p o s a d w ^ t e r system of the District. For this reason Mr, B e n n e t t ^ h a a ^ f ^ ^ ^ s t e d that the District might desire to request t)^«r^tmmlss1r5ns^'ii postpone its order until after the District b o m ^ C C e c u i o n . Hbwever, since this is primarily an engineerlng^ponsidaration, I have requested Jr; Montgomery to advise the District cafaeernlng this aspect of the prdbleiH**""** \ \ > y In certain lls advisable for the District to seek an amendment of/th^IJdmmiBblon*s order. Among other things, the order provided the/fiollowln&A l y is further ordered that any capital expenditures made by] tjhe Company in accordance with Rule 9 of its Rules antiulegulatLons may be added to the total figure as evldenpetTj|n \ioe Agrp€ment with the Las Vegas Valley Wa t e r District f S f x i thifc^Sprfj^n of its order, we believe that the Coramissiogr Exceeded i b s T u r l s diet ion, since it has no power to determine what items plould or should not be added to the D i s ­trict's purchase p r i c e . / Moreover, the order is completely silent as to any amounts whiclytne contract requires to be deducted from the purchase pr4^e-J!ierf^mre funded amounts. Although this portion of the order is probably a nullity, as a matter of record it is desirable that it should be clarified. Secondly, the order refers only to "capital expenditures made by the Co m p a n y . ” In this respect, the order covers only one of two possibilities under Rule 9. In the past, the Company has followed either one of two methods in financing the construction of additions under Rule 9* (1) The Company may itself construct the extension (and "make the expenditure"), requiring the applicant to advance to the Company the cost of construction, or (2) The applicant may, at his own expense, construct the extension, convey it to the Water Company, and enter