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    Contract NOy(u) DEPARTMENT OF THE Na VT NEGOTIATED WATER SERVICE CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT, entered into as of 1 July 1950 » by and between the UNITED STATES OF ‘AMERICA, hereinafter called the Government, represented by the contracting officer executing this contract, and Las Vegas Land & Water Company ___________________ ______________ , whose address is ' Las "Vegas', Nevada ' . > hereinafter called the Contractor, WITNESSETH That the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows* ARTICLE I SCOPE AND TERM OF CONTRACT 1. Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Contractor shall sell and deliver to the Government and the Government shall purchase and receive from the Contractor ____ w a __________ ^service (hereinafter called service) requested by the Government f rom the Contractor at the premises to be served hereunder (hereinafter called the service location), all in accordance with water Service Specifica*~ tions attached hereto and xaade a part hei’eof. 2. This contract shall continue in effect from the commencement of service and thereafter until terminated at the option of the Government by the giving of not less than sixty (60) days advance written notice of the effective date of termination. 3. (a) For and in consideration of the faithful performance of the stipulations of this contract, the Contractor shall be paid by the designated disbursing office or officer for service herein contracted for, at the rates and under the terms and conditions herein set forth; provided, that the Government shall be liable for the minimum monthly charge specified in this contract commencing with the billing period in which service is initially furnished thereto and continuing until this contract is terminated, except that the minimum monthly charge specified in this contract shall be equitably prorated for the billing period in which commencement and termination of this contract shall become effective* (b) The Contractor hereby declares that said rates are not in excess of the lowest rates now available to any prospective customer under like conditions of service, and agrees that during the life of this contract the Government shall continue to be billed on the lowest available rate for similar conditions of service* 2