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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    * 4 .« LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY 0. oNlTHITTBMORB, Priest., Salt Lakh Oral, Utah I. BE^IS* Vioe-Phkbt. <fe Auditor, Los Angeles, Oal. , F„ COMP^OOE, Secretarv, Los Angeles, Cal. . H. LEETB, Treas., Los Angeles, Cal. Offices t 507 Pacific Electric Building LOS ANGELES, OAL. AMD LAS VEGAS, NEV. P. A. WATERS, Act., LOS ANGELES, CAL. Subject: Sale of Lots in Las Vegas. Los Angeles, Cal., Apr. 19th, 1907. Mr. Walter Bracken, Agent, Las vegas Land & Water Company, Las Vegas, Nev. Lear Walter: - Replying to yours of the 17th in regard to the price of lots at Las Vegas: It will not do for us to fix any price lower than the price we established at the auction sale, because it would not be fair to the parties who bought lots at the auction sale, and have since paid for same in full, for the Company to cut down these prices in the sale of adjoining lots. The policy of the Company is not to force the sale of lots at Las Vegas at the present time, but to wait until the development of the surrounding country makes a demand for the lots at prices that will he fair to other holders of lots at Las Vegas. I have gone over with Mr. Granger, various propositions that you have submitted to Mr. Bettis on the sale of lots at Las Vegas, and you will hear from him direct in regard to the matter. With kindest personal regards. Yours very truly, W-B.