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    WATER DISTRICT : LV-LW Co. Negotiations Folder OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD VICE PRESIDENT W ILLIAM COULTHARD SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER E. O T T O UNDERHILL JAM ES C ASHM AN JO H N BUNCH LAS V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D ISTR ICT 9 0 0 S O U T H 5TH STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA T E L E P H O N E 5 9 2 0 P . ? . S O X 1 4 4 8 February 9 , 1953 M r. E. Bennett, General Solicitor Union Pacific Railroad Company Revised Purchase Proposal - January 3 1 , 1953 Your Fi le 80-11 Exhibit “A " and Exhibit A - i * ____ ___________ o p Dear M r. Bennett: In compliance with your February 3, 1953 letter, addressed to Attorney Leo A . M cNam ee, District counsel, you are hereby authorized b y , for, and on behalf of the District, to at­tach to the original of our revised Purchase Proposal, dated January 31, 1953, copies of Exhibit " A " and Exhibit " A - l " in the form transmitted to M r. McNamee in your above-mentioned letter Elated February 3 , 1953. W ill you please furnish to M r. James M . Montgomery, Consulting Engineer for the Dis­trict, a copy of Exhibits " A ” and " A ~ l11 in the final form transmitted to M r. Leo McNamee with your letter of February 3 , 1953, TACsfdb Very truly yours LAS V EG A S V A LLE Y WATER DISTRICT Thomas 7 C CampbeTT President Copies sent t o - Leo McNamee All Directors Frank Hamilton J anes Montgomery