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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-257


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    for action by the Federal authorities of the United states Government. At this time the question of having exercises on Memorial day coming on before the Board it was upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that this matter be laid over to an adjourned meeting of this Board to be held on the 13th day of May at eight O'clock P.M. of said day. There being no further business before the Board it was then upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that this Board stand adjourned until Monday May the 13th at at eight O'clock P M. of said day. Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas, Nevada, May 13th, 1918. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas Nevada, held on the 13th day of May 1918. Present all members of the Board, at this time it was upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that this Board stand adjourned until Tuesday May 14th, at eight O'clock. P.M. of said day to consider the matter of having fitting services in said City for Memorial day to be held on the 30th day of May, 1918. Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas, Nev. Las Vegas, Nevada, Nevada, May 14th, 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners held as per adjournment Present Eon. W.E. Hawkins Mayor with Commissioners Ball, Ullom, Miller and Elwell, the Clerk and City Attorney, being present. This being the time set by the Board for taking up and considering the question of appointing a committee of representative Citizens of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada to meet and formulate plans to fitting observe -Memorial day which falls on the 30th day of May 1918, It was after due consider­ation upon the part of the Board that that the Mayor of said City of Las Vegas, Nevada a Proclamation to the effect that said day be declared a holiday and that the citizens of said City of Las Vegas, Nevada fittingly observe said day as requested by the President of the United States by proclamation heretofore issued, and it was further order that a committee be appointed from the Various religious and Fraternal Societies of said City to meet on the 21st, day of May in the County Commissioners room in said Court house to formulate plans for said Memorial day, and further that said Clerk of this Board be and is hereby ordered and directed to send notice to the following named societies and originations in said City requesting them to be present on said date as follows towit; Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen---- -A. J. Feetham; Order of Railway Brakeman,--- Jno. Becwar; Order of Railway Conductors--- C.M. McGovern; Locomotive Engineers J. Wilcox; Ladies Auxilary to Order of Railway Conductors--- Mrs. Colvin; Ladies Auxilary to Order of Railway Brakeman-- Mrs. T. C. Higbee; Ladies Auxilary to Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers--- Mrs. W. Jones; Masons-- W. H. Copper Eastern Star-- Mrs. J. M. Ullom; I.O.O.F.-- W. F. Rector; Rebekas-- Mrs. N. Woods; K. of P.-- H.J. Wood­ard; X. of C. Leo A. McNamee; Macabees-- Miss. M. Sheppard; Stray Elks-- M.M. Riley; Eagles-- Geo. Lane; R.R. Shops-- Walter Seare Harold Cargin, A. L. Woodman; Methodist Church-- W.E. Rogers; Episcopal Church----P.E. Smithe; Catholic Church--- Jas. O'Grady; Morman Church-- C.C. Ronnow; Christian Sciense Mrs. M. Espeset; Mesquite Club-- Mrs. G. Brockman; Cemetery Committee-- Mrs. I.C. Johnson, Mrs. C. M. McGovern Mrs. W.B. Mundy, Mrs. C.L. Connelley; School Board-- Ed.H. Hunting, H.M. Lillis, Mrs. W. B. Morrow; Board of Education--- Helen J. Stewart, S.W. Darling, O.C. Cazelt There being no further business before the Board it was upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that this Board stand adjourned until the next regular meeting of the Board.