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I agree.\ ( 2 ) As to the policy regarding the size of the project or projects that shall become subjects of applications for necessity certificates, it has been requested that all district managers report any such projects as soon as conceived, irrespective of the cost or estimated cost, to this office so this office may determine whether or not more complete details in connection with said project or projects shall be furnished by the district managers to the end that appropriate application for certification thereof may be made. All applications for Certificates of Necessity shall issue from this office after the necessary detail from the district office. and information has been obtained New facilities necessary in the interest of National Defense, the cost of which may be amortized within 60 months if a Necessity Certificate is obtained, Include: Land Buildings, extensions to existing buildings. Equipment (office, central office, shop, field, etc) Rearrangement of existing facilities Extensions to existing facilities Enlargement of existing facilities New production and distribution plants New services and stations