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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas » March 5, 1948 w 12-1-11 I attach copy of letter from former City Manager Fennessey, dated April 23* 1946, and our reply April 26 in connection with the proposed ex­tension of Bonanza Road easterly from 5th Street, and request from City that we dedicate 80 feet of a roadway on Horth 9th Street to permit this ex­tension. Mr. Frank Strongs the matter has been revived now that Bonanza Road is actively under construction from Main Street to 5th Street, fhe portion from Main to 5th will he a 100 foot road because it is a Federal Highway; from 5th Street east It will be & local highway and only 80 feet in width, X attach tracing showing the proposed ex­tension and the 200 x 150 foot site we still own on Horth 9th Street south of the School. I have advised the City officials that we would not care to tie up our land with a dedication until such time as we learn of the sucoessful efforts on their part to secure a similar right-of-way through the intervening site occupied by the Elk’s Heldorado Village. A. M. Folger