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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles - December 1, 1953 Mr. C. M. Cory - Las Vegas: (cc - Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Mr. L. R. Maag - Las Vegas) Supplementing earlier correspondence relative to request of the Las Vegas Valley Water District that three bids be secured by the Water Company on all work charged to additions and betterments: For your information I enclose copy of letter dated November 23rd from Mr. Frank Hamilton, of the firm of O'Melveny & Myers, to Mr, Campbell, still insisting that three bids be secured on all Jobs $2000 and over. E. E. Bennett EEB:ps enc« Mr. Wm. Reinhardt: I talked to Frank Hamilton about this letter, and although he admits there is nothing inthe contract which requires this action by the Directors of the District, he feels that it is a practice which will have to be carried out in the future. Apparently he and the Directors anticipate criticism on some of the larger contracts in the event three bids are not taken. Under the circumstances you may desire to advise Mr. Maag what procedure he should follow from now on, although