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zmmmmr' m GAZETTE SP A. NEWSPAPER «PK t si - ’ i®lli»*ilPiw|ra -, graham m, dean, *r*asur^«ttf ftw“*,,,“ i«" - UlE l1. HARPER, Business Munager ??zm > % ? JCWNVE wo^- lattor « i W§ . JOSEPH R. JACKSON, Managing Editor / tm n: :;. •..*» Tb» Reno EvenlnfeGazeteW U * Newspapers; fac,.-i?pattfrart?*eme> jMBqjgtjffl*; mottng through the publication ofprogrfcasWAwr^ the beatinterest* ol the qomtounf^ and ? Entered at' tie PoatotflCe at Ren^:«ey«tBj^»|fetAi>< class matter. Published eventesa^ew^ w“#*yi . Gazette Building, Center 'etreet, Reno, •Nej'Atla, %px The Aaaoclated Preaa la entitled exclutively^to the uae tor republieatlon ot all the local newa printed in this newspaper aa well aa AP news dispatches. Rational Advertising Representatives: West-Holiday Company. New York, Chicago, Ban Francisco, jDetrolt, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, St. Ixmis, Cleveland, MEMBER Associated Press, Audit Bureau of -s^saSfcv, Circulation and the American . Newspaper ^Sssp0 publishers Association. Not Enough toGoJfaund f . ytpggADA’S, 'TWU ljuVt ^cities,~ ''"Whil'elReno’s situation has Sierra Pacific-' vi|oed local residents to mm of water, and to oifHi#;hjirinkling of lawns and w SUBSCRIPTION RATES Single Copy.............. ................... M ...........*5‘ cent* By Carrier Salesman.,. .30c per week, In Reno and Spark* By motor route In Reno area.. ......................30c per week By Carrier Salesmen, in outside towns receiving home delivery* and through news dealers maintaining subscription call-lists...................................#1.30 per month MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mai» in Nevada and Modoc, Lassen, Plumas, Sierra, Nevada, Alpine, Mono, and Inyo counties and the Lake Tahoe area in California: One Year................ $10.50 Six Months;.............................• ••••.............. o.OO Three Months. ..... .•••••••............. 3.00 One Month^.^.............................................................*-®° By mail to all points outside the above area: One Year ............................ $13-00 Six Months................... }JJ Three Months.............................................................. J JJ One Month............... 1-0® 6- Friday, July 22, 1949 fcai serious troubles, Sdm£ i&ftfee :%iew'-dis.tviets are without v?$tfe|§j$'a.rt df and the city’s froj^V^ells, is not suffi- S$8|| entire city and sub- of Las Vegas residents.;seht teletfams to the governor and the public servifee commission chair- man^asking for slate aid, but the state can hardly tunLup'an additional water source on slidi’f’n.otibe. Reno’s water ? supply comes from storage in mountain Takes and the Truc- kee river, augment^;by a well. Last winter’s scanty stqrjns left the reservoirs only partiy filied, and the flow of the river is now atf .a low point. There is another reason for-the water shortage in the t^o cities. . The utility companies have not developed new water sources to keep pace with the growth of Reno or Las Vegas, hut have attempted to stretch out the present limited supply. Reno’s water distribution system has been extended-far beyond the city limits, but there has beenfno accompanying effort made to find new sources,g£ water to supply this wider territory. Tne water supply for Reno and Sparks is essentially the same as it was 20 years ago or more, hut the demands have increased greatly. Much water is wasted here—there is no doubt of that. Some of it is lost through carelessness. Not all of the huge gallonage that the power company says Rend and Sparks uses is wasted by consumers. Part of the company’s own system of flumes and mains leaks away a good deal of water. The greatly- increased number of air conditioners requires a great deal of water. The residents of Reno and Sparks can help save water, and they should. But there also should be some assurance from the power company that it is trying to get enough water for these expanding cities. ,