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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Re: Relocation of well in Industrial District at Las Vegas Nevada, covered by Application No. 24550. W. I. K. .L^as Vegas, Nevada January 20, 1969 JAN 23 BBS Mr. R. D. Smith: cc: Mr. E . C . Mr. G. A. Mr. W. R. Mr. T . E . Renwick"*^ Cunningham Tyler Hammill </ In further response to your letter of January 6, 1969, I am enclosing herewith a letter from the Division of Water Resources which is self-explanatory. As you will remember, we were advised that the new permit (No. 24550) was granted by the Division of Water Resources: letter of October 15, 1968. Under this permit, the Division of Water Resources will shortly provide us with appropriate forms to show commencement of work on the new well or to make application for an extension of time. As you will see from the enclosed letter, it would appear that no difficulty will arise in obtaining the extension if this should be our desire at the appropriate time. Meanwhile, as you will also see from the enclosed letter, the old permit (No. 15754) is still in effect and we may continue to utilize this well. j W. BRUCE BECKLEY WBB:bk Enel.