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m f i l l l l l •Hr, Bennett believes he I t correct in making the statement that the LVLdV does net now take mere water free the water f ie ld than ie J u s tifie d by Its e x istin g appropriations so the tran sfer o f the Railroad appropriation to another w ell should not c u r t a il it s supply* X hare no basis fo r questioning th is statement and no in c lin a tio n to question it* hut ths thought oeeurs that i f a change is made the Voter Company w ill take oxer as an ad d ition al burdsn ths furnishing of water to ths eottsldsrahls number now served under private contracts with the Railroad Company. This nay have been considered. X believe i t would be worth-while to investigate the facts and p o s s ib ilit ie s fu lly .* *tt is Mr. Bennett1* suggestion that d iv isio n e ff le t r s and In d u stria l Fnginosr at Los Angeles who are fa m ilia r with the R ailroad 's requirements at Las Vegas and the p o te n tia litie s of the shop grounds* give consideration to the most p ra c tic a l method of developing «n independent supply fo r ths 1 „ilro a d and ths VFECo* 'W ill you please have M v is io n Engineer get in touch with In d ustrial Engineer at toe Angeles* confer with General S o lic it o r Bennett and General Attorney Cory me to the le g a l features Involved* and then make an in vestig ation as to the requirements at Lae Vegas and furnish rep o rt. 1 •In addition to assigning a M v is io n Engineer* I suggest you also have ens of your representative* Join in the solving of th is problem* Mr. Verkins to furnish mt m complete report and recommendation* A-105.* Am instructed to have you contact In d u stria l Engineer Adamson to Jo in tly confer with General S o lic it o r Bennett and General Attorney Cory as-involved and then to conduct an ln v e iC ig a il& f as to Cur requirements at Las Vsgas and furnish fu^Lji&d complete report. Mr. Hanson suggests i t may be possible that Messrs. Rsuhart* Verkins and Larsen may decide to designate one of th e ir representativee to Join study,U SSLEfDHA 30U Visas* arrange to handle ms directed and do not lo t ths matter drag along as Omaha executives w ill doubtless be a n t ic ip a t in g our report w ithin not to oxesed 30 days*