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I agree.Los Angeles, C al., ? r.H.C.lutt, #3. June 5th. 1912. keep the weight and cost of the copper in the handing as low as practicable• The pipe Company offers to furnish the pipe f.o.b. Las Yogas, and lay it at an average price of $2.63f a foot; or f.o.b. at Los Angeles and lay it at #2.47^ a foot. it gives a guarantee of one year. The Railroad Company to unload pipe at Las Vegas, distribute it along route, dig trench and backfill same. Below I have made an estimate of the cost of using such a pipe:- 9210 ft. 18” copper banded Redwood pipe f.o.b.Los Angeles, av.price, Unloading by Railroad Company at Las Vegas and distributing, Trenching and backfilling, 1/3 oy. to lin.footv 3070 ey. Supervision on above, Freight on Company lines, Los Angeles to Las Vegas, 9210 feet, Estimated cost,freight on Company lines added, ($2,846 lin.ft.) Less freight on Company lines. Estimated cost without freight on Company lines, ($2,686 lin.ft.) at $2.47^ #22,771.72 « •03* 322.35 If .30 921.00 720.45 If .16 1,473.60 $26,209.12 1.473,60 #24,735.52 It will be observed by comparing the two estimates that the one for the line built of reinforced concrete pipe is #10,980,38 less without Including freight charges, and #8,309.48 less including freight charges, than that for the wooden pipe. I believe the concrete pipe will also exceed the other in longevity. Yours truly, ( SigneE. - Ends .