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5/27/-W 5/29/42 5/30/42 5/31/42 p erfo rated , then 1.95* Baugh-Rose se ttin g mandrel, perforated casing I s 60 mesh. 2" s lo ts . 6 canters* XA^rsmsu Finished running casing at 1 1 ? 45 P*M ., May 26th. Ran in with swab assembly to 1069 * In running in , set d r i l l pipe down on flo a t c o lla r c lo sin g ports and could not break c irc u la tio n at 800# through C.P. in order to cement. Ran in with 6-1/8* Hughes b it and d r ille d out flo a t and b a f f le in flo a t c o lla r . Then ran in 4&" d r i l l pipe (w ith swab assembly on bottom) with bottom hanging a t 1089. Broke c irc u la tio n at 400# pressure, la s then a b le to c irc u la te fr e e ly behind 7 “ blank at 200# pressure. The C.P* on the 7* lin e r at 1094 was then cemented as fo llo w s: l i t h the bottom o f the swab assembly hanging at 10 3 0 , pumped in 55 sacks o f cement, non® treated. F ir s t 33 sacks were R iverside Portlan d, next 12 sacks V ic to r M odified, then 10 sacks R iverside Portland cement. A l l cement pumped down through 4§* d r i l l pipe. A fte r pumping down the cement, p u lled up to 990 and circ u la te d out excess cement. Finished cementing at 6:04 P .M ., May 28th. V e il stood cemented 1 2 hours. At 6:04 A .M ., ran in with 6-1/8* Hughes and found top o f cement at 10 0 5 . Cement took weight o f d r i l l pipe at that depth. D r ille d out cement to 1086, 8 * above C.P. Ran in with open end d r i l l pipe to 1019' in order to make production te st on zone 820 to 950. Pumped water down through 4|* d r i l l pipe at 6 :58 A.M ., Majr 30th, to d isplace mud f lu id . V e il started flow in g at 8 :30 A.m . At 12*00 noon, Mr. M, •anderson o f the Onion P a c ific R ailroad Co. made a w eir te s t o f the production. The flow amounted to 3* through a 24” w eir, th is i s equal to 362 gals* per minute or a ra te o f 521,280 g a ls , per 24 hours. The closed in pressure at the Casing head was 21# per sq> inch on a white faced gauge. (A green faced gauge used to check the reading o f the white faced gauge showed a pressure o f 23# per sq. in ch .) Two one g a l. samples o f the water were taken fo r a n a ly sis. W ell was closed in at 1 2 * 1 6 P.M. and k ille d with mud at 3 JO0 I J . , **ay 30th. Cleaned out cement to 1147. Attempted to make a production te st o f p erforated zone from 1100 to 1150. At 8*30 A.M. Set swab assembly on bottom o f 4i?* d r i l l pipe at 1025. Started pumping down water to c le a r d r i l l pipe o f mud flu i d . Broke c irc u la tio n around 7* blank at 125# pressure. Was able to c irc u la te fr e e ly around 7* blank at 110#. Lowered swabs to 1056. Found fre e c irc u la tio n around 7" blank at 75f. C.P. not holding. Recemented 7* lin e r C.P. at 1094 as fo llo w s 1 Pumped down 43 sacks o f cement through At* d r i l l pipe with swab assembly on bottom, bottom o f swab assembly held at 1035* Cement consisted o f 90$ R iversid e Portland and 10$ V ic to r M odified, none treated. Cement was mixed in tank and pumped down by r i g ’ s pumps. Finished cementing at 12*18 A .M ., May 31th.