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warns mmmms mt in ww£m§« 0Mk% YHi&t Be. 20 Water Stations etc Form A. F. E. 12A C. S. v . % m m m & sA . a s a l t x& m n u o s a M L C o * 2 2 S A U T H O R I T Y FOR E X P E N D I T U R E Request N o ___ ._________ M r. R . S. L o vett, Chairman o f E x ecu tive Com m ittee, N e w York. A u th ority is requested fo r the follow in g E xpenditure fo r Investm ent in R oad and Equipm ent. Submitted______________________________________ .192--------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------ P re s id e n t. S-22-2,000----U STATE FULLY CHARACTER OF WORK TO BE DONE AND REASONS WHY RECOMMENDED LOC&TZOBs Boar La© Yogas, Eevada. (Main Line) ' A * B r ill mm 12* water r a il to ostimted required dsglfe of doo*, lay 1600 lin . ft . of 3A* we ad stars pips lin t, oonotrmot 2*&> lln . f t . of 8* high heard fans# around spring, and square to ferebaj with spillway, In rspiaasnssat ©f covering ever tvs existing springs* pi## 11a* fxaa mam to vain pipe lin e, and portion f m in pip* lln * from Big Spring* to las Yagas with ©©nereis forcibly, dati.efcc. BIAS CPs fo obtain nits supply of artesian ©star In' lion of ©on* tasinated water supply from lover springs, which, not* withstanding f r e e s t cleanings, are almost continuously fille d i# with algae, n ? A weeds,sliaes and frogs. Two epidemics of »iefc»e«e recently occurred in La* YtgaS* which local author! tie* attributed to contaminated water from lower springs. With additional protective measure® Sonteisplated herein, existing eater supply fro® upper springe w ill be free from any possible can tsarina t ion aap| supply from lover springs diverted fo r irrigation pier* poses. Large flowing: artesian well has recently been developed in vicinity of these springs and g e o lo g ic ! reports are favorable for sim ilar development adjasm t to Ballroad pipe line which aleo serve* doiaee tie water supply at Lae Yaga®* 1. Total estimated expenditure - - - - - - - 2. LESS— Cost o f rem oval o f P ro p e rty to be R etired chargeable to O peratin g Expenses 3. Total amount chargeable to Investment in Road and Equipment - 4. L e s s—Credit to Investment in Road and Equipment for ledger value of Property to be Retired, chargeable as fo llo w s : - Operating E xpenses - - $ 7 m Salvage - ---------------------- * * T o ta l - - - - $ J t 5. Additional amount chargeable to Investment in Road and Equipment 6. Appropriated for expenditure d u rin g calendar year 192.__ * - $ 1 3 © 37 __ ^ R 9 d» a *% $ 1 3 0 3 7 7 2 9 7 $ $ 7 4 ® $ q 7 4 0 Approved by the Executive Committee at N e w York, N . Y ., S£P i 8 1923 ___________________ y 192_ Secretary.