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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-598


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark and State of Nevada, does hereby declare its determination to make certain pub­lic improvements by paving, curbing, and guttering and constructing concrete valley gut­ters on certain streets and parts of streets therein, to create a special assessment dis­trict therefore, and to defray the entire cost and expense thereof by special assessments made according to frontage against the owners and the assessable lots, premises and pro­perty specially benefited by such improvements and included within said district. Section 2. That the Board proposes to pave said streets and parts of streets by grading and constructing thereon an oil bound gravel pavement and by constructing on both sides of said streets and parts of street concrete curbs and gutters and concrete valley gutters wherever said improvements are missing, including alley approaches, to gether with such appurtenances as may be required, as more particularly shown by the plats, diagrams and plans of the work and locality to be improved now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas. Section 3. That the streets and parts of streets which the Board proposes to so have improved, wherever said improvements are missing are the following: On California Avenue, from A Street to Third Street; on Park Paseo, from Fifth Street to Sixth Street; on Fourth Place, from Third Street to Fourth Street; on Colorado Avenue, from easterly right of way line of Union Pacific Railroad to Third Street; on Imperial Avenue, from A Street to Third Street; on Utah Avenue, from Truck Road to Third Street; on Wyoming Avenue, from Truck Road to Fifth Street; on Oakey Boulevard, from A Street to Main Street; on New York Avenue, from Truck Road to A Street; on Chicago Avenue, from Truck Road to A Street; on Philadelphia Avenue, from west boundary of Meadows Addition to A Street; on St. Louis Avenue, from west boundary of Meadows Addition to A Street; on Boston Avenue, from west boundary of Meadows Addition to Fifth Street; on Baltimore Avenue, from west boundary to east boundary of Meadows Addition; on Cleveland Avenue, from west boundary of Meadows Addition to Fifth Street; on Cincinnati Avenue, from west boundary of Meadows Addition to Fifth Street; on San Francisco Street, from west boundary of Meadows Addition to Fifth Street; on Truck Road, from Chicago Avenue to Utah Avenue; on Fairfield Avenue, from San Francisco Avenue to Utah Avenue; on A Street, from Boston Avenue to Charleston Boulevard; on Second Street, from Oakey Boulevard to Charleston Boulevard; on Third Street, from Fifth Street to Charleston Boulevard; on Fourth Street, from Fourth Place to Charleston Boulevard; on Fifth Place from South boundary of Block 1 and 2 of the amended plat of the Subdivision of Lob J, Park Place Addition, to Park Paseo, and, on Sixth Street, from Franklin Avenue to Charleston Boulevard. Section 4. That the special assessment district which it is proposed to create shall be designated Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-17, and it shall include all the lots, premises and property, to the full depth of such, fronting, adjoining and abutting upon said streets and parts of streets. Section 5. That the City Clerk shall keep the plats, diagrams and plans of the work and locality to be improved, together with the estimates of the expense thereof, on file in her office for public inspection and examination. Section 6. That the Board of Commissioners of said City will meet at the City Hall in said City on Friday. the 9th day of May. 1952 at the hour of 4:30 o'clock P.M., to hear and consider any suggestions and objections that may be made by parties in inter­est to the proposed improvements, or any matter relating thereto. Objections to said pro­posed improvements,or any matters relating thereto, may be filed in writing in the office of the City Clerk at any time prior to said meeting. Section 7. That the City Clerk shall give notice of the filing of said esti­mates, plats, diagrams, and plans with the City Clerk for examination of the proposed improvements or work, of the location of the improvement, of the district to be assess­ed, and of the time when the Board will meet and consider any suggestions and objections that may be made by partied in interest to the proposed improvements. Said notice shall be given by publication once a week for two successive weeks in the Las Vegas Morning Sun, a daily newspaper published in said City of Las Vegas, and also by posting said notice in or near said post office of said City and by posting notices in three public places near the site of said proposed work. Section 8. That all by-laws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts of by-laws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance are here­by repealed. Section 9. That if any one or more sections, sentences, clauses or parts of this ordinance shall, for any reason, be questioned or be held invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remaining provisions of this ordinance, but shall be confined in its operation to the specific sections, sentences, clauses or parts of this ordinance so held unconstitutional and invalid, and the inapplicability and invalidity of any section, sentence, clause or part of this ordinance, in any one or more instances shall not affect or prejudice in any way the applicability and validity of this ordinance in any other instances. Section 10. That by reason of the fact that the streets, of the City of Las Vegas are inadequate to meet the present and future needs of the City and its inhabitants and that it is necessary immediately to raise funds to improve said streets, therefore, it is hereby declared that an emergency exists, and that this ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace and safety.