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upr000218 14


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles - July l4, 195°* Mr. J. P. Mack: (Attn. Mr. L. E. Herron) Please refer to your letter dated July 7» 1950* file W.O. 1*500, requesting "as constructed" prints for above work order, and submitting three copies of Auditor's letters dated June 29, 1950, regarding overages and short­ages In connection with record of materials furnished: Two ooples of "as constructed" print for Work Order 4500 are furnished herewith. The three letters from the Auditor dated June 29, 1950, refer to Work Order 4261, Bonanza Village Job, and are returned herewith- Material accounting for Work Order 4261 was handled by Division forces at Las Vegas, and any questions with regard to overages and shortages should be referred to them. R. L. Adamson W ' M ill y IP Jill