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I agree.Las November %?9 X9$& w. UMi-ta-A Kr* Via* Reinhardt! ?o@ «# fir* 1* 1* S m e ftt ee «* j$r» C* St* lo ry Referring to my te tte r duly 21. water fo r the Las Yegoe Ranch* delinquent i® rental In the amount of Ipt* 656*67* oov^ring the period fro* duly to »ovsab«r 1950* Apparently the rental payment# had stepped about til same tine as tim deliveries if enter by the City were discontinued* X called at the ranch bat Hr* Stewart was out of tmftf however. the following day Dell Stewart and Earl Leavitt* who are joint Leasees* emailed at the office with thalr attorney and elated they ware ua&er the. impression that they were not required to pay rental as long &e no water for Irrigation X had th e ir attorney* Mr* M * Ssa €er#n er eaavdai lthabel e* I s m of the lease to them and he then advised then they would have to pay its®- ren tal regardless of water delivery hut they* of course* had the optlen to terminate on six non the none** future* the grass nod iny h&a died fa r lack of water hat in the event our Coepeiy does not plan b make arrangements fo r delivery of water they would be w illing to pay H J0 a month fo r water on the premises Rising the remaining term of the lease* which would give them tin s to move th eir holdings to some other location* Would ar your advice