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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA AUGUST 16, 1937 Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada held on the 16th, day of August 1937 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present: Mayor L. L. Arnett, Commissioners Herbert Krause, H. P. Marble and Joe S. Ronnow. City Attorney Harry H. Austin and Deputy City Clerk Le Roy Whipple. Absent; - Commissioner H. L. Perry and City Clerk Viola Burns - At this time Mr. Ralph Swigart again appeared before the board to renew his request to operate as an electrical contractor within the City without first taking the prescribed masters electrical examination. He was supported in his request by attorney Geo. E. Marshall who stated before the Board that as far as he was able to interpret the City Ordinance covering this case, he could see no reason why Mr. Swigart should not be given a license to operate as a master electrician without taking the examination as he had taken such examination in 1931 and was therefore in good standing. The Local Electrical Contractors present were represented by Attorney Roger Foley who quoted from the City Ordinance No. 161 and as amended by Ordinance No. 174 that in - as much as Mr. Swigart had left the City and had failed to keep up his license and regular dues that the ordinance now requested him to retake such prescribed examination and be able to pass such before he should be permitted to operate as an electrical contractor within the City of Las Vegas. Arguments developed from both sides both for and against the situation inquestion. Mayor Arnett said that he thought the question should be left with the City Attorney to answer, as it involved a point of law in conjunction with the City Ordinance which was really in question, and that he was willing to abide by such interpretation. There upon Commissioner Marble asked in writing of the City Attorney the following question " Can the Board of City Commissioners Legally at this time grant a license as Master Electrician to Ralph Swigart, who in 1931 took the prescribed examination and operated thereunder until 1933 at which time he allowed his license to lapse, and now applies for a license to be granted without examination. ". H.P. M. In answer to this question " Legally, I say No," Mr. Austin Answered in Writing. Commissioner Marble then introduced a motion to, accept the City Attorney's ruling and was seconded by Commissioner Ronnow. Vote being; Com' Krause, Marble, & Ronnow and His Honor the Mayor Voting Aye Noes none, Absent Commissioner , Perry. The Mayor then announced that the decision would stand. Sealed bids were then opened covering prices on form ' Purchase Order Blanks' Bids being received from Charles R. Hadley Co, Los Angeles and Las Vegas Age, Las Vegas Evening Review Journal, Albright's Business Machines and Service Printers of Las Vegas. All bids were referred to A. W. Blackman upon motion of Commissioner Marble for abstract and reason of acceptance to be stated on bid accepted, motion was seconded by Commissioner Ronnow and the following vote taken, Commissioner, Krause, Marble and Ronnow and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye, Noes None, Absent Commissioner Perry. Mr. Blackmen then checked over the prices submitted and recommended that the bid of the Services Printers be accepted with the notation that it was the low bid made. The bid being $10.32 per M. for 5M order. All bids were then turned over to Mr. C. D. Baker, Purchasing Agent for his approval and checking and he in turn accepted and signed the bid of the Service Printers. There upon Commissioner Marble Made motion that the bid of the Service Printers be accepted and order placed for 5 M copies @ $10.32 per M. or a total of $51.60 and was seconded by Commissioner Ronnow, Vote being, Commissioners Krause, Marble and Ronnow and His Honor the Mayor Voting Aye, Noes, none. Absent Commissioner Perry.