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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    In re. Ball Bark. Las 'Vegas, Hev,, Mar. 2, 1919. Mr. W. H. Comstock, . . Assistant Genl Manager, Los Angeles, Cal. Dear S ir: Bnolosed you w ill find Mr. Merry*s le tt e r of February 8th, in reference to a b a ll park fo r shopemployees. While I would very much lik e to see a good b a ll and recreatinn park started fo r the employees, 1 think there are other loca­tions which would be equally as good as the one requested by Mr. Merry, and 1 would d islik e very much to see the a lf a lf a patch which we have tried to raise alongside the track plowed up and turned into a b a ll park. 1 herewith enclose a map, showing the location of a b all park at 6th and Bridger Streets, whieh Mr. Huti o ffe r­ed to allow employees free use of, but i f this location does not suit Mr. Merry or the shop employees why could they not find a location d ire c tly north of the shop yard fence and west of the depot! This ground could be cleared o ff to make a very creditable b a ll park and even better than the one which Mr. Merry intended to make out o f the a lf a lf a fie ld . I f you wish me to do anything further in regard to this matter kindly, advise me. Yours truly, Agent and Viee-Pres