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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    L&s Vegas - November 9# 1953 w 23-iwB Mr. L. V. Peart - Omaha This refers to our phone conversation this date, relative to proper handling of refrigeration and air conditioning accounts with reepeot to refund of overpayments under the old tariff and application of new rates effective May 1, 1953* With respect to the above, I am attaching hereto copies of the followings 1* Water Company*1 second revised sheet PSCN No. 3 which cancels first revised sheet PSCN No. 3 and original sheet PSCN No. 3 covering rate No. 21 “Cooling water for air condition­ing, refrigeration, io# making and other similar equipment8. 2. Statement showing comparison of amount of revenue to be derived from application of air conditioning and refrigera­tion under rates schedules Indicated. 3. Copy of Mr. E. E. Bennett’s letter of Aug. 28, 1953 to Mr. Wra* Reinhardt. Copy of Mr. Wm, Reinhardt’s letter of Sept. 1, 1953 to Mr. L. R. Haag. 5. Copy of Form 26, showing account numbers for which rate No. 21 is applicable and which also indicates the amount of charges for refrigeration and air conditioning service under the new tariff effective May 1, 1953# along with the amounts paid to- date, to and including October 26 # 1953* As discussed in our conversation, I believe since it is an accounting problem, your office should approve on any action taken with respect to making refunds, proper proceedure and collection of