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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Water Well Ho. 2 UflXOK PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. LAS VEQAS. NEVADA Location: SE 1/4 of S£ 1/4 of HE 1/4 Sec 31 T303 B61E M.D.B.AM. Elevation 2141 M or L Driller: 0. Gentser Spudded: Aug. 5, 1936 Completed: Oot. 4, 1936 Total Depth: 802 ft. Caelng Record 260 ft. 16 Inch - Ho. @ gauge easing 734 ft. 12 inch - Ho. 8 gauge easing Mills Perforator* Perforated 676 to 720 ft. 8 holes to 10 Inches LOO From To Feet Cut Formation 0 2 2 2 3 1 3 83 80 83 230 147 230 260 30 260 263 3 263 325 62 328 338 13 338 407 69 407 413 6 413 423 10 423 427 4 427 439 12 439 450 11 450 461 11 461 488 27 488 875 87 875 802 227 Fine Sand Limestone Silica sand-packed Silica sand - loose Had elay Limestone Clay A Limestone* streaks Gravel, light flow Clay A Gravel, flow between 12" & 16" Limestone Clay Limestone Silica Sand (very fine) Clay broken limeroek Sllloa Sand (fine) Limestone Clay (red) Cemented gravel