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I n g < I they h©pe you will not pass this matter'lightly [ as o f no Xiisecuen but that youw will immediately hunt up all deeds tc your land that have CC^ne4.J'nt0 your Pos°ession or that you can secure, togeth er w ith a l l o f or the inform ation you can with referen ce to the previous owners o f your said land,back to the o r ig in a l entryman o f i t from the government ans be prepared to d e liv e r said deeds and inform ation to the Company ls agent, fo r demand w i l l soon be made upon you* I f you have deeds which have not been recorded, please send them to the County Recorder w ith out d elay, so that i f during the proceedings ol the t r i a l any o f them should be lo s t or destroyed a cop3r could be had from the County Record' e r . You should in any even t, have your deeds recorded fo r grea t inconvenience and loss is sometimes sustained thru the lo ss o f unrecorded deeds. In the matter o f the deeds fo r the water a p p e rta in e d to your landwhich you are requested to make and execute to the Company, I w i l l say: i t v/ill supply you w ith a form of deed desired by i t , ans in to which w i l l be w ritte n the d e sc rip tio n o f your land to Which the water conveyed is ap p erta in en t, th is vri l l J be necessary fo r the purpose o f id e n tify in g the water r ig h t , but w ill not convey t i t l e to your land I t is necessary th at both husband and w ife both jo in in th is deed. And i f there is upon your land a mortgage or other o b lig a tio n , then in th at event, i t w i l l be necessary fo r the mortgagee or o b ligee to jo in w ith you in executing the-deed. I f there are corporate stockholders in .th e ir r ig a t io n company whose lands with the rig h ts . . the r ig h ts belonging th ereto have been bonded then in that even t, the bond holders o r 'tr u s te e must jo in in the deed, to be made to the Company, . f o r we -do not know how hard the opposition v.’i l l f ig h t and the Company cannot r e ly upon an im perfect deed.^ I t is tru e, the said stockholders could be joined w ith the I r r ig a tio n Company as party to the su it and thus cure any d e fe c t in the deed in so fa r as i t e f f e c t s the s u it i t s e l f , but in that even t, when I judgment is given i t would s t i l l leave t i t l e to the water in the Com- J pany's said stockholder, conferred by a court judgment, in place o f in thq Company, by v ir tu e o f which judgment the said stockholder could in d iv id u a lly claim and use the water av/arded unjier the judgment, and a t the same time, by v irtu e o f h is stock in Ir r ig a t io n Company claim h is pro ra ta p rop ortion o f the water that had been f u l ly deeded to the Company Ijg by h is fellow ' stockholders, thus robbing them o f th e ir equ ita ble r ig h ts ; th erefo re you see the Company must in s is t on a p e rfe c t deed from every stockholder, but i f there are stockholders, v/hose t i t l e s are in such shape they cannot g iv e a p e r fe c t deed, i t w i l l be necessary fo r thorn to g ive the Company a good and s u ffic ie n t bond fo r the deed pending such time as i t w i l l req u ire fo r them to c le a r th e ir t i t l e s and g iv e the deed,whereupon the Company W ill name them as p a r tie s w ith i t and w i l l make th e ir fig h t fo r them the same as fo r other stockholders^ Please w rite the Muddy V a lle y I r r ig a t io n Company without delay, and inform the D irecto rs whet her or not you are w illin g to g iv e i t the deed f o r your water as h erein requested, and a ls o to supply the inform ation required w ith referen ce to your land deeds; such actio n on your part w i l l r e lie v e the D irecto rs from going to the expense of sending an agent to see you and expense saved by them is money saved fo r you. I f you d e sire fu rth er inform ation on the subjects trea ted herein please w rite the undersigned at St. Thomas, Nevada.