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APPEN DIX A p u blic in terest of all citizen s of the United States by p r o m otion of national defense by in crea sin g (1) the a bility of said re g io n to provide for the p rodu ction of goods and m a te ria ls, and (2) the capability of accom m odating the n e c e s s a r y labor fo r c e for such produ ction , together with n e c e s s a r y h om es, s e rv ice in d u stries, p ro fe s s io n s and trad e, and (3) the in crea sin g of the cap ability of the L as V egas V a lley to accom m odate a labor fo r c e fo r BM I, together with n e ce s s a ry hom es, s e rv ic e in d u stries, p ro fe s s io n s and tra d es. NOW, TH E RE FO R E , the p arties h ereto DO H EREBY COVEN AN T, PROM ISE AND AGREE as follo w s: CONSIDERATION 16. in con sid eration of the m utual p ro m is e s m ade, the o b lig a tions undertaken by and the benefits to be d eriv ed by the p a rties h ereto, and fo r the ch arges and su bject to all the term s and p ro v isio n s as h e r e in set forth , BMI a g rees that it w ill operate and m aintain the W ater F a c ilitie s , and d eliver water th erefrom to the point of d e liv e ry fo r and on beh alf of the Water D is trict, and said W ater D is tr ict a g rees that it w ill r e c e iv e d e liv e ry of said w ater. D E LIVE R Y OF W ATER 17. F o r the ch arges and upon all the term s and conditions of this agreem en t, BM I, fo r and on behalf of the W ater D is trict, shall fr o m w aters stored in Lake M ead d eliv er water by and through said W ater F a c ilitie s (including any rep lacem en ts or additions th ereto m ade b y any of the p arties to this agreem ent) and d isch a rg e the sam e into the w ater system of the Water D istrict at the d e liv e ry point or points h erea fter d e s crib e d . U nless the p ro v isio n or context oth erw ise re a u ir e s the w ords " d e liv e r ” or "d e liv e r y " as used h erein shall be con stru ed as including all s e rv ic e s n e c e s s a r y fo r and the d iv e rsio n , tra n sm issio n and d isch a rge of water into the w ater system of the W ater D is tr ic t, as h erein p rov id ed . QUALITY OF W ATER 18. BM I shall d eliver water of the sam e quality as the w ater of Lake M ead at the intake. A -4