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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS YEC-AS KEVIEW—J OUBilAL Published Wdter Problems To Be Discussed A," meeting to discuss the fifel Stare of the Las Vegas valley;; I water situation will be held | within the next two weeks if i (plans adopted at the Las Vegas; J chamber of c o m m e r c e are • ! brought to a successful conclu­sion, it was reported today. The board of directors of the ] (chamber is issuing invitations to ; officials, the state] engineer’s office and the city! and county of^icaate to attend a meeting, the •datervto]i>e.arranged later, -at whic&hH£e, fee-entu^! water proble^M l^fe.M scnssed- ] j The session i t i s ’ hcfred, will be t! ?set for sometiiiie within the next | weeks.