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upr000218 45


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    As per telephone conversation, am enclosing two prints of pencil sketch detailing repairs to house over Middle Springs at Las Vegas so that you can promptly forward one copy to B & B Foreman, Charles Hodman, who is to make these repairs. After the work is completed an RA?>s# Constructed11 drawing will be prepared by this office and copy will be furnished to you. As indicated to you in my letter of Kay 2nd, relative to your Requisition 8-C-268 covering material for these repairs, the oost of the repairs is chargeable to Railroad Operating Expenses and not to LVLAW Expense. I am advised that Reqn. 8-0-269 also covers hardware and roofing for this same Job, and same applies to oharging out material on this requisition also.