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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    O n motion of Director M ille r, seconded by Director Underhill, the following current bills were approved for payment: Campbell Realty C o ., telephone charges and office clerical work $ 42.16 Howard F. Clark, salary, 1/2 June 300.00 Colorado River Comm ission, photostats 14.07 5356723 Balance in Treasury after paying above bills $8,287.88 The Manager asked the Directors to note the bank balance on hand, with certain ex­penses for the bond election looming ahead. Director Butterfield moved, seconded by Director M iller, and unanimously carried, that a letter of appreciation of their devoted consideration of District affairs be sent to each member of the Southern Nevada Engineering Committee of the Colorado River Comm ission, and a copy sent to his honor. The Governor, at Carson City. The Manager reported that Conway M oe & C o . Certified Public Accountants were busy with an audit of the records of the Water District. The President discussed with the Directors an appraisal of the land to be taken over from the Land and Water Company and it was decided to ask the Las Vegas Board to make recommendations. There being no further business, on motion of Director Coulthard, seconded by Director Underhill, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjdumed at 5:20<P.M .