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The adjourned regular monthly Meeting ©f Board ©f Directors* Las Vegas &gotd $M inter Gonpaay* €1 eeied all annual Stockholder©* $ lag* Sirfi#!»ir 9th» I f Si* wag teal.#, is office© 0f f§ii company, *m©ra #HS Pacific XLeetxie Milding* Los Angclec, Galifomia, at 11 J00 ©’©leek A.M., !or©al>©r 10th, UNMU Pxeteat 1 F, H, &ii©korteeeker ¥le*»PV*sMa*t i. a. Mai ate# I R h R C. C. Barry 0irect©r II* l»* Adanssn Director rn®m%t 0i.. aI.t QBrr&aycken President Ylee-Presideaft Oa Motion duly Made# eeeesMftlKl and carried# f* 1# i&iieteeyteceteer was ©last©# Oteaimaa* end 0. I. ilocm# aocrctegry* of ft*. meeting. Ghairaaa announced tensin©ts before the tour# **• election of officers of the corporation, Is pur guano© ®f the tey-lawg* to scary© during the ensuiag year. fa motion duly made* sssosdid an# carried# @« H* fray was elected to office of President. On nation duly «8#e# second©# and carried* I* ML Ealcteea&eeteer tn# elect## to office of Vice— Pr0© 1 dent. flatten duly made, seconded and carried* *• 8* Bracken was elected t® office of ¥iss»PS» si dent, 0n motion duly made*, seconded and carried# 6. H* Hoc ® wag elected to office of ^eemtaxy* in notion duly »dc* eoecaidod and carried* 0. S* Mattteai * 1 elected to office of Assistant secretary. an motion duly* seconded «nd carried* % i* Traelcen was elected t© office of Treasurer. On notion duly and®* seconded oed carried, 0. 0. Bony w w elected to office of Auditor. Chairman amwasaclng the next order of Casinos* wa# election of faneutiwe Ckswdttcc# on no-tion duly tsede* soccndod carried* f* R. Gray, m t, I* iKaiekorbecker and