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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    i i ? p \ Las Ve6as land'*and Water company C. WHITTEjMORE, Prest., Los Angeles, Cal. |. BETTIS, Jwce-Prest. and Auditor, Los Angeles, Cal. H. COMS1 OCK, Secretary, Los Angeles, Cal. H. LEETE, Treas., Los Angrles, Cal. T7 •Jg ;rOt OFFICES PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING LOS ANGELES, CAL. F. A. WATERS, AGT., LOS ANGELES, CAL. W. R. BRACKEN, AGT., LAS VEGAS, NEV. LAS VEGAS, NEV. Re-appraisement of lots at Las Vegas Los Angeles, Cal., April 4, 1911 * Mr.Walter R. Bracken, .Agent, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lear Sir: s You will notice that on the schedule I have shown the unsold lots on the east side of block 9 at f>150.00 each, except the corner at $200.00. These lots facd the company houses in block 24, and I am not sure but what they should be held at $200.00 each instead of $150.00. Wont you please give me your opinion on this? 17. There are but seven lots sold in 17, which was originally termed ^saloon blocks” and so specified in the deeds. The parties who pur­chased the lots which we have sold paid large prices for them, to-wit: were removed, we would probably be able to sell those in the east half of the block for residential purposes at about $150.00 each, which is the price we have shown on the schedule, but I doubt very much whether the restrictions could be removed at this time unless we purchased back from the present owners the lots which we do not own now, and in order I have had a request for three lots in the east half of block lots 1 and 2, sold to M.l.Germain 5/15/05, $1355.00 ” 12 " 13, " " " " if " 1080.00 " 17,18,19, " " Callaghan Bryne," 1875.00 If the restrictions,wo far as the sale of liquor is concerned