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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V The test will he as follows: a light will be flashed between manholes, or, if the manholes have not as yet been con­structed, between the locations of the manholes, by means of flashlight or reflecting mirror. If the illuminated interior of the pipe lines shows poor alignment, displaced pipe, or any other defects, it shall be remedied at the contractors own expense. The remainder of the bac fill shall be placed in the trench, moistened and tamped in one foot layers. Any trenches improperly backfilled or where settle­ment occurs, shall be reopened to the depth required for proper compaction, then refilled and compacted. In streets, the entire backfill shall be made in 6" layers and compacted. IV. C onnectlone All connections which are for future use shall be pro­perly capped. Y ’s for service connections shall be installed where shown on the plans. V. Joint will conform to Plumbing Code ?VI. Manholes: A. Manholes shall be constructed of brick with cast-iron frames and covers as per plan approved by City of Las Vegas. B. Manholes shall be constructed only when temperature is above 30° F. C. Invert channels shall be smooth, accurately shaped, and in accordance with the plans. D. Invert may be built up of brick work and mortar; consisting of half tile laid in concrete base; or be constructed by laying full section sewer pipe straight through the manhole and cutting out the top half after the concrete base is constructed and sufficiently set. 4