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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. 0. H. Cory - Las Vegas oo: VIs,. eR.e iBnehnanredttt Las Vegas - February 19. 195* W 23-1-137 will you please prepare usual fora of Construotlon _ LAagsr eVeemgeanst, w iNtevha Ldoa,n gcloevye rCoinnegt trhuoet lfounr nCiosmhpianngy ,o f^ allVl elaatbwB,o ntaonotlasR oad, eeqquuiippmmeenntt to consttlrounc tG fa pBplroocxkism aNtoeel.y *27 a0n LdV 7 o off 6 C hao“rlte sitorno nVwi?lil ai>gre Tsarianc t n , Las Vegas, Nevada, location of vhloh is described as follows wAi 6t*h aoans tex iirsotni nwga t6e" r osaasitn i croomnm weantceirn gs aati na i cno Bnunercnthiaomn Atvheen ueea satte ral yp porionpte arptpyr olxiinmea toefl yB uIrSn hfaomc Atv veeneutee rrlatyt eonfed and anoroximately 15 feet southerly of the northerly i?TSKS ^of^ Peryt.onw D*rihve aexntde anpdeprd,o xitmhaetnceel yw e1s5t efreleyt s o u " f the northerly 1*---« “ distance c pIin- PUUeMy'tWo na Durti,v we pfarWallel witn ana appiwa«« s.o.u.t.he.r.l y -off a ptphreo xniomrathteelryl y2 7l0i nfee oetf Pteoy ptoolnn of ending. Consideration - 1*18.OC Other usual conditions. LHHlls