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Los Angeles - November 25, 1953 Mr. V. 6. Perkins * Omahai (0€ « Mr. A. ft Mr, T. W, Mr. S. ft 1 attach copy of a nenorandam from Mr. Bennett dated November 11th regarding the construction of the new eater teak la the shop grounds at Las Vegas t also a copy of ay letter of November 12th to ftf. A, ft. Hanson on the same subject. C. Conner discussed the aettcr on the telephone with the Divislen Engineer's office and Z attach copy of his memorandum on the subject. tion with the State Snglneer's office for the tranefer of 2.5 c.f.e. of eater fro* one of the cell# which will be turned over to the District upon completion of our proponed tale night be questioned if we are net in a position to utilise the eater. In addition to this, of course, the tranefer suet be completed before our deal with the Las Vegaa District bee been completed. Under these conditions, ee are of course vary anxious that the teak be erected and that ee are in a position to take care of all of the railroad requiresents in accordance with our contract of sale which will bo eonsunanatsdlaaediately upon the sale of the ftietriet bonde which have already be on approved by the voters. the present status of this project is, and the apprexlBate date upon whleh you anticipate It will be completed. While { have received no reply from Mr. Henson. Mr. L, You will note fro* Mr, Bennett *s letter that our applies- I would appreeiato very ouch your advising m m to what (Signed) WM. REINHARDT Mb. Reinhardt Intd.