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I agree.Lob Angela* * August 25, 1955 ILD - 2722 Mr. A. 8 . Sanson - Salt Lake City* X (00 — Mr, ton. Reinhardt - Let Angelas Mr. B. X. Bennett - Let Angeles Mr. 6. M. Cory . Las Vegan Mr. L. 1. Msag - Las Tegae) further In connection with the transfer of water facilities at Las Vegas, Bevada, fro* Sailread Company to LflAV Company and the granting of revocable licenses to the Hater Company f> r water transmission and power lines: 1 enclose herewith, for your further handling to execution, duplicate originals and two extra copies of Agreement, MLB 2722, Being a revocable license for the construction and maintenance of a 6-inch pipe to serve Industrie*! west ef Main Street Between Carces Avenue + n A Hoover Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada, as outlined in SshiBit *A*, dated July 2A, 1953* attached thereto. Legal Department advise that this document may Be executed by the President of the H&ilroad Companies with the consent ef the Bxeeutive Committee pursuant to Ssstien 3* Artlds V, sf the LAASL Bylaws and Section 6, Article V, ef the Union Pacific Bylaw#! end that same may Be executed by the President ef the Land Company pursuant to Section 3, Article IV, of the Bylaws as amended end effective July 1 1 , 19^* mug 26 W L. C . C .