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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    American City The E d i t o r i a l O ffic e s 470 F ou r tlx Avenue, N ew Y o rk M u n icip a l Index TSt© H a ro ld . S. B u t t e n h e im A l d e n W . W e l c h R e s e a r c h E d ito r T h e o d o re R e e d K e n d a ll Consulting Editor W i l l i a m / S . F o s t e r Engineering Editor P u i)li sh.e d. Monthly P u b lis lie d A n n u a lly August 26, 1943 Mr. Walter R. Bracken Las Vegas Land and Water Co. Las Vegas, Nev. Dear Mr. Brackens We are planning to renew publication of water rates similar to those appearing periodically in THE AMERICAN CITY since 1935. Inasmuch as many rates have changed since their last appearance in our bulletins, we would like to know whether yours still corresponds with the enclosed item. We should like to supplement it with something about the plant itself. Can you give us your maximum plant capacity, your average daily consumption, and a brief analysis of the raw and tapped water in terms of ppm calcium carbonate? We also would like some indication of how self-supporting your water works is during these inflationary days with rates as a source of revenue. Will your water department be able to hold the line against rising costs almost every­where else? As you will recognize, the study is particularly important now in order to ascertain significant rate trends. We will look forward with great interest tc your reply. 11 tfjg H&W Sincerely yours W. S. foster WSF:h Engineering Editor