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Correspondence, Levi Syphus to Sadie George




Creator: Syphus, Levi




This folder is from the "Correspondence" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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    man000352. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    St.Thomas,Nevada ( Sept.I^th,19 2 s Directors- Virgin Rover Salt Co. Sadie b George, and Dejfw.E.Heel Los Angeles,Calif. Fellow Directors Under the companya "by-laws the regular quarterly meetiJs of the Board of Directors occures on Monday the 1st day of October, and the annual meeting of stockholders occurs on the same date. Owing to the vaoanoy in the Board of Directors and in the secretaryship of the company, ^deemed it advisable to advertise the call for the stockholders meeting for four con­secutive weeks preoeeding said meeting,which advertisement expires on the 2^th inst. I am attatohing hereto the advertised call for the said meeting as the same oc ures in the Las Vegas Review. Since the fragments of the companys records I have thus far recovered do not show the adresses of its various stockholders ( that is,I failed to see same at the hurried inspection given the recovered papers at the time X recovered them), It seems to me advisable that each of you advise such of the various stockholdere whose names &nd adressei you know of the pending stockholders meeting. I shall leave that entirley to you in the matter of the California stockholders. So far as shown by the stock -ledger recovered $&&&£,issues o/stock have not been carried into it for quite a number of years, therefor, stock certificates and names of owners will have to be carried up into the ledger before the stockholders meeting/ if the law is to be complied with wherein it provides ,that"the stookledger shall govern in determining who has the right to vote” I have not examined the stook certificate book to see whether or not any certificates, or the stub records of any, are missing,for the reason that I felt I should not interfere with it unless directed by the members of the Board of Directors to do so. Will you please advise me as to whether or not I shall proceed to make up the stock-ledger from the stock certificate book prior to your coming on for the directors meeting , or would you preferr to take the time Jrsr that it will require after you get here. I would preferr the board should meel and employ a secretary to do it if that is agreeable. But in that case, it seems to me advisable, that the stockholders meeting should upon convening on the 1st of October be adjourned for fwe or Ifpee days, in order that the directors might get matters straightened; up so that an intelligent report might be given to them at their meeting. But if y©u feel it undesirable to remian here for suoh lengthof time, and you feel to trust me with the mat ter,upon sending me your written order to that effect,which could be later confirmed in regular meeting, I wil1 proceed to do the best I oan with it. Mr Perkins reports to me that he has found no other papers excepting oorriepondenoe etc, but has promised to complete the search before the meeting, Unless others are found,it seems practicalley all of the minutes of meetings etc.are missing, possibley they may yet be found. P^. Ho information from Hepburn as to whether* or not he will exercise his option L.l.S. Addenda I made out a f°rm of contract on the magnesite and sent it on to Hepburn for his signature,which he attatched and returned the same to me about a week ago, with just a few words,to the effect that he desired to be notified by the bank just as soon as we had all signed, did not say how bfe was getting along with either the magnesite or the salt, But he &s a man of very few words, so probabley matters may be going allright* The magnesite matter has ,however, dragged so long that I feel it will do no particular harm to have it go °ver now untill about the 1 st to 10th of October ,so that we may see what he does in the salt,thereby getting a better line on him, before we deliver the magnesite contract to him* And in addition to that, on examining the magnesite contract upon his return of it to me, i found that I had not drafted it in the best and safest &&&&&&£& manner for our protection, therefore I have now spent four more days An a new draft,putting it in better form, and am this morning returning it to him for his signature* Whether or not he will signs i do not know, but it is my opinion,that if they realley want it they will go on with it in any event, but if they do not we will be saved the additional expence attatchedo to depositing it in the bank, that is if they fail on the salt and do not show sound reason why they will deal on the magnesite we woul d better save the expense, If you are coaming on here on October 1st for the meeting I will probabley hold the contract if he signes and returns it untill you come on and you cans signe at that timo, but if it is quickley signed and returnd and matters are looking right I may send it on to you before the first* Very truly yours