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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 1 4 15 16 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 fidlfld# tho Mstriet shall have th* right to sen-struct said pip* U b m Is locations shown by hrsicsn V«l and whit* lliM hstwssn point* narked A and f, f m d tf T «b4 «sd K tad S eit Mid felilll *A~1*. Said pip* lines constructed along and across the property of the ttdai fastfi# shall ha constructed la accordance with good engineering practice# and th* top of said pip* linos shall ho at loast thro* (3) foot holov tho surface of tho ground* (h) Krnev* from tho provisos of tho Union Pacific tho at-inch oast iron pips lino hotooon points narked A and t* tho 16-lneh transit* and oast Iron pipe line hotooon potato narked A aad X* and tho plpo lino hotooon potato narked X aad II shewn in broken rod snd black lino# m Mid Exhibit ®A*i* snd rsstoro ths surfs*• of tho land# to tho condition existing prior to suoh renewal. (c) Koneva tho poapl** station now losatsd at point XU. Ths District Mall have ths right to roleoste said pimping station In a now location shown in Mild grssn square on Sxhlhlt *A«t* near point X* Ssstlon Si In ths event tho District shall not havs con-aeaesd to sonotruot tho now plpo 11m s and rensved tho Mid oxiotlxig pips Unto and puaplng station as provided in Ssstlon f hereof nitty* la two years from tho ealo data and shall not haws esnpletsd said work within two ($) years aad ton (Id) nenths subsequent to tho aai date, union Pacific, after having given the District sixty (60) day