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    4 -7- Regis- The president or vioe president of a qualified corporation tration may register in its behalf, or any other person may register of cor* os behalf of such corporation upon being duly authorised pore- by the president or rice president thereof in writing, the tlone registrar shall require registrants on behalf of a corporation to take the following oath, in substances *1 m over the age of twenty-one years, and the (president or vie# president) of (naming the corporation), or have been duly authorised in writing to register on behalf of (naming the corpora­tion); that said corporation is organised under or has qualified under the laws of Hevada to transact business therein, and Is the holder of real property within the bound­aries of the Las Vegas valley water district.1* So election Ho ele- for any purpose except for organisation shall be held in ction such water district without such registration, and only without electors duly registered shall be entitled to vote thereat; regie- provided, however, that If an elector has voted at the last tration proceeding district election, whether special or general, and is still eligible, he shall not be required to register in order to vote at the next succeeding election, but before he shall be permitted to vote at such election, if he shall not have reregistered therefor, he shall be required to take and subscribe the registration oath before the board of election, on a form provided by the district, as evidence of his con­tinued eligibility. In all poll boohs and lists of registered electors prepared Poll for any election hereunder, the names of electors who have Books, registered or reregistered for such election shall be dis-regula- tinguished from the names of those who voted at the last pre-tion of ceding district election, but who have not so registered or r«reglster«d,by the letter R enclosed in parentheses placed before each of the names of the former and the omission thereof-In connection with the names of the former and the omission thereof in connection with the names of the latter. Registration of voters for any regular or special election shall close on the Wednesday preceding such election. The regis­tration oath may be taken before the registrars or deputy registrars, any member of an election board, or any officer authorised by law to administer oaths. All oaths taken before the election board shall be by them preserved and returned with the ballots. hutles Sea. 7. Before opening the polls each inspector and each of in- clerk must take and subscribe to an oath to faithfully per-spec- form the duties imposed upon him by law. Any elector of tore A the precinct may administer and certify such oath, Vacan-clerks cite securing the progress of. the election, may be Sjsf«g IT.fSSliSWllSfhLS? iSPSiMb S^hjy ? time of opening and closing the polls, the manner of con­ducting the election, canvassing and announcing the result, the keeping of the tally list, and the making and certifying of such result, and the disposition of the ballots after election, shall be the same, as near as may be, as provided for elections (Senate Sill So. 16? * Strut tor Baker - Continued) -7-