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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-118


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    The application of John Webber and Tony Andrino, filed on this date requesting a permit for a license to conduct a retail liquor establishment in the "Turf Saloon" on Lot 12, of Block 16, of Clark's Las Vegas Townsite, was next considered by the Board. Commissioner Griffith moved that said application be denied. There was no second to said motion. On motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Griffith, it was ordered that said matter be taken up at an adjournment of this meeting. Petition of G. A. Case, municipal judge, that his salary be raised to the sum of $50.00 per month, was next considered by the Board. On motion of Commissioner Griffith, seconded by Commissioner Curtiss, it was ordered that said petition be filed for future consideration. On motion of Commissioner Griffith, seconded by Commissioner Smith, it was ordered that the meeting adjourn until 7:00 o'clock P.M., on Thursday the 2nd. day of October, 1913. The vote being as follows: Commissioners Smith, Curtiss and Griffith, and his honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. Minutes of an adjourned Regular Meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held at the office of the City Clerk in the City of Las Vegas, on the 2nd. day of October, 1913. at the hour of 7:00 o'clock P. M., pursuant to order of adjournment made at the regular meeting held on October 1st, 1913. Present: Mayor Hawkins, Commissioners Smith, Griffith and Curtiss; City Attorney and Deputy City Clerk. W.J. Stewart presented to the Board a communication requesting the privilege of purchas­ing and removing the fence around Block 20. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Commissioner of Streets and Public Places was authorized to receive bids and to sell and have removed said fence, and report his action at the next regular meeting; such fence to be sold to the best bidder. Ordinance No. 47, entitled "An ordinance establishing official grades, of the lots, streets, alleys, avenues, public places, sewers and other grades in Clark's Las Vegas Townsite, and City of Las Vegas, and regulating the construction of sidewalks therein, and other matters re­lating thereto was next considered by the Board. Upon a motion of Commissioner Griffith, seconded by Commissioner Smith, the following amendment to said ordinance was duly adopted: "That the width of the walk within the fire limits where there is no building and the lot vacant, be and the same is hereby changed so that the same shall read on line 30 of page 2 of said ordinance, as "10" feet instead of "11"' feet. Said ordinance then came up for final passage as amended. The same was read infull to the Board as amended. Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Griffith, said ordinance No. 47, as amended and read, was duly adopted upon the following vote: Commissioners, Curtiss, Smith, Griffith and his honor the Mayor, Aye. Noes, none. Upon motion of Commissioner Griffith, seconded by Commissioner Curtiss, and duly carried, the City Attorney was instructed to draft and present at the next regular meeting, an ordinance prohibiting dogs to run at large within the City of Las Vegas. Upon motion of Commissioner Griffith, seconded by Commissioner Curtiss, the application of John Webber and Tony Andrino, for a permit for a retail liquor license was upon a vote thereon, ordered to be laid on the table for future reference. Said vote being as follows: Commissioners Curtiss, Smith and Griffith, and his honor the Mayor voting aye, noes, none. Petitions for the construction of sidewalks on First, Second and Fremont Streets, in Clark's Las Vegas Townsite, were presented to the Board. Upon motion of Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Griffith, the following resolution was duly adopted: Resolved: that the City Attorney be, and he is hereby ordered to draft and present at the next regular meeting of the Board, proper ordinances providing for the construction of side­walks upon First, Second and Fremont Streets in accordance with the provisions and requests of said petitions. And providing for the cost and expense of such construction to be made