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upr000337 116


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Assistant Chief Engineer i t'i'geles ft 2-alt UMf* <?? 1 posed ditches that w ill be required to bring under c u lt i­vation the land upon which, we intend to apply water from artesian w ell sources and the acreage in each fo rty (40) acre subdivision intended to be irrigate d from ©aoh ditch with the location and dimensions of each ditch* This data w ill be useful when we are required to f i l e our preliminary map under our application to appro­priate fo r irrig a tio n purposes the waters from the artesian w ell and la te r when we f i l e fin a l proof of application of water to a ben eficial use, we w i ll by required to show the area and character of crops irrigate d in each fo rty (40) acre subdivision, by a cultural map. P. R, MeMAMU Copies to* W, R , 0 , H, C. M, r