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Stt&tftCTl Vclfrlits » G ra in $»usih»» I©vtwber 13% # I f t f F ile A»6601*l8o1*111 Destination* wights on Mr* Jeffers# Ur* A#S*Salrt©&J vr. H .V.Flatti Mr* h*A*hoomisS Mr. •^•?*&*Bri«n# Mr* C.J *j*ansi Mr.1W.H*Ooaistoclts Mr. J*A*Re®ve©i Mr. /#*m* f o i m i Mr* A*8»ldmenda$ Mr* A. C. Spencer* Mr* 1* de br&bratt Dude;r date of Bov briber fad* Mr# i** J*Sptnee» Chairmen* era T ra ffic ®jr«e»tiv« Cows* itte e , wrote Seer® t&ty ly fe as fcl-lewoi *'The following record w» r wndc by the Coer; ittee on 9«i|htni!! end Inspection of. •&>«ift t . Tr -ffl# of tit® fae rie an Railway Association* ?When ©rt^ln and |««tifl»tio it te'ljfcta of Grain are obtained iifl^tr %#• supervision of accredited of Trade* Ofnin Jhwrh anger* Chambers o f Comertif* or State Weighing Departments* or Weighing Bureaus* the point of origin weight w ill govern unless the destination weight discloses a difference execeding one~helf ( l/ f ) percent with s tBinifsiM per car of hr# hundred mad f i f t y ( 25&) pound e for scale variation is add it ion to the published allowance for in v isib le loos end waste* ? This recouncndatlcn wee endorsed by the T ra ffic Division o f the Amur iced Railwey Association at 'meeting held in st4 honis* October ?3rd, fo r the approval of the t r a ffic executive committees. •Will you please place the subject on docket fo r eon* aiderstion at the next nesting o f the-JWectern T ru ffle jlrceytivst.Oc«mittec» sending copy o f this le tt e r to the newbers o f the eoMnlttes for their information^* The subject w i ll be considered at the next westing of Coswtisslon to be held at Chic ©go, on December 4th* 19? 3* lh the meantime*1 r i l l appreciate it very m*Ch i f you w ill favor me w ith. t expression of your view® upon this subject* 1 have add reseed this le tt e r to (tenoral Attorneys for reason that they mey have had occasion to consider the matter of weights on shipments of grain and as a result thereof* desire to express their views* { Signed) !!*$?* Ad sr?s* Wed#' the id the