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upr000217 124


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    Form 30-2 C. S. 11-39-25M W O R K O R D E R A U T H O R I T Y — DETAIL OF ESTIMATED CREDITS SHFET 5 a n V __SHEETS LOS ANGELES 1 SALT LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY ___________ Induetrial__ _ __D E P A R TM E N T- Loa Angela a____________ ______ DIVISION__ April 24,____1946 location: Las Vegas. Nevada /1 E X E C . V IC E-P R ES. N O --------------------------------------- description: Estimated ledger value of pipe retired — Nevada--------- jV A L U A T IO N S E C TIO N N Q -------------------------------------- I DEPARTMENT S6A NO. _____488__ R . AND E . A C C T . N o . DESCRIPTION QUAN TITY UNIT U N IT COST LABOR M A TE R IA L OR TR A N S P O R TA TIO N CHARGES TO TA L 10 * C.I.P. 18* * Fittings 359 412 IF a 5 0 80 ESTIMATED CR EDIT T O “ RESERVE FOR ROAD PROPERTY TO BE RETIRED AND REPLACED” * ESTIMATED CR EDIT T O “ ROAD PROPERTY RETIRED AND NOT TO BE REPLACED” ESTIMATED CR EDIT T O “ EQUIPMENT RETIRED” ................................................................................................................................................ * ESTIMATED CR EDIT T O ______________________________ _____________________________________________ — --------------------------------------------------------- *- ESTIMATED CREDIT T O “ DONATIONS” OR “ GRANTS IN AID OF CONSTRUCTION” DATE. 19L. APPROVED.